Mika Ojala
I graduated as an osteopath from the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. I decided to become an osteopath through personal experience, when 15 years ago my muscle tension was relieved and my health improved significantly during treatments with my osteopath.
I also got help with harmful consequences of intense physical workouts. I decided to become an osteopath when I began to feel that osteopathy is a versatile treatment that could help holistically with a wide variety of symptoms.
I treat clients of all ages: from babies to elderly. Exercise and rehabilitation are also my areas of expertise because of my sports background. Promoting health for people of all ages and backgrounds is my passion, that’s why I am constantly developing my skills through further training.
My training
Sovellettu Neurologinen kuntoutus manuaalisessa terapiassa: Pekka Kumpulainen
Sovellettu biomekaniikka ja fysiologia pitkän vipuvarren tekniikoilla: Mika Kivistö
Biodynamic Osteopathy phase 3: Christian Sullivan D.O
Circulatory mechanical problems and congestion; perspectives on the onset of the disorder and osteopathic treatment & the basics of the Rule of Artery; blood, blood vessels and the heart: Osteopath Association, Mika Kivistö, Veikko Toivainen
Biodynamic Osteopathy phase 2: Christian Sullivan D.O
Pediatric osteopathy – phase 2: Lasse Maijala ja Mika Kivistö
Biodynamic Osteopathy phase 1: Christian Sullivan D.O
Aivohermojen anatomia, testaus ja hoito: Matti Mikkilä ja Markku Torvinen
Functional therapeutic movement: Ben Cormack
Rule of the Artery ROA I: Anthony Norrie, Michael Solano
Pediatric osteopathy – phase 1: Lasse Maijala ja Mika Kivistö
Biodynamic Osteopathy phase 1: Christian Sullivan D.O
Anatomy, testing and treatment of cerebral nerves: Matti Mikkilä and Markku Torvinen
Modern Pain Science and the Traditional Osteopathic Concept in Modern Clinical Work - An Evidence-Based Biopsychosocial Approach: Jorge Esteves
Kinetic Control, Managing movements: Impairment of Lower Leg: Kari Niemi
Body adjustment: Paula Saarelma Osteopaatti
Spiral Stabilization (SPS), SPS motion and manual therapy in the treatment of scoliosis: Richard Smisek
Spiral Stabilization (SPS) 1A & 1B: Tiina Arrankoski MP, MP Pilates
Osteopath, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
The Osteopathic Approach to Fascia, theory and practise: Paulo Tozzi, MSc, BSc (Hons) Ost, DO, PT ja Jouko Heiskanen, MD, PT
Other trainings:
2013 Bachelor's degree in social and health care 120 credits, Stadin Vocational School
2010 Bachelor's degree in circus 120 credits, Salpaus Education Center