for everyone
At best, all parts of the body are in balance: the bones are in the right position, blood circulation, metabolism and nerve pathways work unhindered / unrestrained.
The osteopath finds out client’s condition by questioning, making differential diagnostic tests and manually examination. He then plans and gives treatment that aims to support and strengthen the body’s own systems to function in the best possible way.
The body's systems include, for example, the immune and digestive systems, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.
Office workers
Pediatric osteopathy
"Adults can be treated like children, but children are never treated like adults"
During treatment for babies a light touch is used to treat immune system. The aim is also to ensure that there is no unnecessary tension left in the body which could have been caused during childbirth
In the early growth phase, growth is rapid and growth phases? can be associated with a variety of challenges. The treatment helps to keep the balanced development of the digestive system, bones, muscles and nervous system
The growth spurt of young people can be associated with growth pains and different strains resulting from hobbies, school and life situation which can affect how a young person can be with oneself.
Possible asymmetries in the spine are also starting to show more clearly. The growth spurt is a delicate time and the body is also adaptable. Treatment and possible exercise guidance ensure balanced development of the body